Core concepts


In Tork, a Job is a series of tasks running in the order they appear on the job description from top to bottom.

Super simple example

# job.yaml
name: hello job
  - name: say hello
    var: task1
    image: ubuntu:mantic
    run: |
      echo -n hello world > $TORK_OUTPUT
  - name: say goodbye
    image: ubuntu:mantic
    run: |
      echo -n bye world
curl -s -X POST \
  --data-binary @job.yaml \
  -H "Content-type: text/yaml" \

What will happen:

  1. The Coordinator will schedule the first task (say hello) for execution by inserting it into the default queue.

  2. One of the worker nodes that is subscribed to the default queue will pick up the task.

  3. The worker node will inspect the image property to find out what Docker image is needed to execute the task.

  4. If the ubuntu:mantic image doesn't exist locally the worker node will pull it from Docker Hub.

  5. The worker node will start a container in order to execute the task.

  6. The worker node will execute the run script on the container.

  7. The worker node will collect the output from the $TORK_OUTPUT file assigned to the container for any optional task output.

  8. The worker will terminate the container.

  9. The worker will insert the task to the completions queue.

  10. The Coordinator will pick up the task from the completions queue and mark it as completed in the Datastore.

  11. The Coordinator will insert the output of the task to the Job's context under the key specified in the var property (task1).

  12. The Coordinator will check if there are any additional tasks to be executed on the job.

  13. Since there is another task, the Coordinator will be repeat the above steps for this task.

  14. Once all tasks are completed, the job state will be marked as COMPLETED.


Jobs may specify inputs which can be used by any of the job's tasks. Example:

name: mov to mp4
  - name: convert the video to mp4
    image: jrottenberg/ffmpeg:3.4-alpine
      SOURCE_URL: '{{ inputs.source }}'
    run: |
      ffmpeg -i $SOURCE_URL /tmp/output.mp4


Sensitive values can be specified in the secrets block so they can be auto-redacted from API responses.

name: my job
  api_key: 1111-1111-1111-1111
  - name: my task
    queue: default
    image: alpine:latest
    run: |
      curl -X POST -H "API_KEY: $API_KEY"
      # use the 'secrets' namespace to inject a secret
      API_KEY: '{{secrets.api_key}}'


Jobs may specify default values for all their tasks. All properties are optional.

name: my job
    # a task will retry up to 2 times in case of a failure
    limit: 2
  # resource limits imposed on a task
    # 1 CPU limit
    cpus: 1
    # 500MB of RAM limit
    memory: 500m
  # a task will automatically fail if not completed within 10 minutes
  timeout: 10m
  # tasks will be routed to the highcpu queue by default
  queue: highcpu
  # values between 0-9. Higher numbers mean higher priority
  priority: 3
  - name: my task
    queue: default # override the job defaults
    image: alpine:latest
    run: |
      echo hello world

Auto Delete

Jobs may specify a period of retention past their completion timestamp, after which they will be automatically deleted. Cancelled or failed jobs will not be automatically deleted.

name: my job
  # job will be automatically deleted 6 hours after its completion.
  after: 6h
  - name: my task
    image: alpine:latest
    run: |
      echo hello world


Jobs may specify zero or more webhooks that will be called for various events.

Webhooks will be triggerd on either of two event types:

  • job.StateChange (Default) - the webhook will be called every time the job changes from one state to another - e.g. from SCHEDULED to RUNNING.
  • task.StateChange - the webhook will be called every time a task changes from one state to another.
name: my job
    # Webhook URL (assuming POST)
  - url:
    # event type
    event: job.StateChange
    # optional headers to send when calling the webhook endpoint
      my-header: somevalue
    # optional: conditional execution of the webhook
    if: "{{ job.State == 'COMPLETED' }}"
  - name: my task
    image: alpine:latest
    run: |
      echo hello world


When specified, permissions specify which user(s) or role(s) should have access to this particular job.

Jobs without permissions will be viewable to all users.

name: my job
  # the role's slug
  - role: some-role
  # the user's username
  - user: someuser
  - name: my task
    image: alpine:latest
    run: |
      echo hello world

Scheduled jobs

Jobs can be scheduled to execute at specific times using the schedule property. The schedule uses the cron syntax to define the intervals.


# job.yaml
name: scheduled job test
  cron: "0/5 * * * *" # run the job every 5 minutes
  - name: my first task
    image: alpine:3.18.3
    run: echo -n hello world
curl -s -X POST \
  --data-binary @job.yaml \
  -H "Content-type: text/yaml" \
  http://localhost:8000/scheduled-jobs | jq .
  "id": "c90188cce61244a1aabcdbedf31f51d6",
  "state": "ACTIVE",
  "name": "scheduled job test",
  "createdAt": "2024-12-21T14:53:05.709793Z",
  "cron": "0/5 * * * *"
Web UI